Life Lately

What have you been up to lately?

Lately...I visited Michael's. I swear to god, every time I go in there I come out with 10 times as much stuff as I originally went to buy. I guess I'm just an impulsive craft buyer. I try to stay away from craft stores as much as possible for that reason.

Lately...World of Warcraft baby! I actually don't play that much anymore, but I'm kind of excited for the new expansion coming! Like, really excited.

Lately...I bought myself some super cute notebooks in an attempt to get my home organized. That has yet to happen.

Lately...My family and I went apple picking. So. Much. Fun. We're planning on making this a yearly fall activity. I've been creating apple recipes so stay tuned!

Lately...Just a selfie, 'cause ya know...

Lately...Gosh I love snuggling with my newborn. I just can't get enough of that new baby smell and super soft skin. Can he stay like this forever pwease? Those adorably pure smiles just melt my heart.

Lately...Baby color stimulation. Have to get those little brain cells warmed up!

Lately...I started a mini series over on my Instagram about similar colored items in my home. I get bored sometimes.

Lately...My 2 year old son just can't get enough of his little brother. He always wants to be close to him. It's just so adorable and he's so gentle with him. He has such a beautiful soul.

Recent favorites

1. This chocolate oatmeal crepe cake by Oatgasm looks devilishly delicious.

2. This home looks too perfectly style to be real. I wish I could keep mine that tidy for more than 2 seconds.

3. Brainstorming Halloween costumes. White buck maybe?

Random facts about me

1. I'm starting to have so much white hair that it's getting impossible to hide.

2. I finally mastered the cat eye liner! Or almost.

3. I absolutely adore children and being a mom, but sometimes having no time for myself gets the best of me.